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Tower bridge opening

Find the perfect spot for proposal session

 First of all you should decide what exactly would you like to capture on the background?  Your perfect spot can be anywhere! Maybe you have your favourite spot where you both like spend time together, or maybe you are new in town and would like to capture the moment with famous landmarks on the background? 

When you choose the location, photographer will let you know the exact time when it is better to do proposal. Location is very important, but the right lights during the session is a key! 

                              Prepare the perfect plan with your photographer

There are 2 ways how you can organise proposal session:

  • “blind” proposal session 

Your photographer is hiding somewhere and shooting from a long distance while you are making proposal. It will be probably easy for you if you would like to keep the moment as much intimate as possible. However it is not easy for photographer. Some moments can be missed if suddenly appears other people near you that can obscure the view. 

  • you are preparing your fiancé for casual photo session

This is the best option from photographer’s perspective. It works absolutely perfect almost in any time! Here your photographer can Gide you and can control the situation! As your photographer staying close to you, you can be sure that all emotions will be captured! 

young man standing on one knee and making proposal to his fiancé with tower bridge on the background
How to plan the Perfect Proposal Photoshoot?. London portrait and family photographer
young happily women crying
young couple hugging with tower bridge on the background

         Make sure you both look and feel good

You can’t even imagine how clothes can affect the look of your pictures! Well chosen outfit help to achieve better results, your images will look more stunning! Besides after proposal there is also mini engagement session. You will probably would like to print this pictures and use after for wedding invitations. Don’t need to come in suit and evening dress. Your clothes should be tidy and preferably you should wear matching clothes with the same style. Your photographer will be happy to help you with clothes suggestions! 

How to plan the Perfect Proposal Photoshoot?. London portrait and family photographer

It is not all about pictures

First few minutes are very intimate for the couple. Your Photographer should know it. Couple posed pictures are ok after the proposal. However personally I vote more for reportage candid shoots. It is the right moment to capture REAL you. Tears, laugh, hugs…Everything will look so natural and alive! 

Finally, ask your photographer to give you a few minutes alone before any more shooting takes place. Don’t let the photographer be the one to cut it short. Hold this after proposal candid moments as long as possible.


How to plan the Perfect Proposal Photoshoot?. London portrait and family photographer

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